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Hypnosis for sugar cravings

Writer's picture: allisondraneyallisondraney

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

How Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

There has only been an increased awareness on sugar addiction and its health effects when Dr. Robert Lustig, an endocrinologist from California, gave a 90-minute lecture called “Sugar: The Bitter Truth.”

Leptin Resistance

One of the things Dr. Lustig mentioned is the effect of sugar on the liver. According to him, sugar specifically fructose (commonly found in processed food and drinks) create a complex chain of events that lead to leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that keeps us from overeating; it tells our brain when we’re full. Getting too much fructose turns this hormone off so we end up eating more even if we’re already full.

Cognitive Impairment

In 2012, an experiment was done to find out the effects of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) on rats’ brains. The researchers discovered that those that were fed with high level of HFCS suffered from cognitive impairment and hence, find it difficult to remember their way out of the maze.[2]

Aside from cognitive impairment, rats that were given HFCS also showed signs of insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone released by the liver to control the blood sugar level.

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Liver Damage

Fructose is one of the most abundant forms of sugar in our diet. The only cells in the body that can handle fructose are the liver cells. But when there’s too much fructose in the body, it can lead to potentially serious consequences on the liver. Fat droplets start to accumulate in the liver which could eventually lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Heart Disease

When you take excessive amounts of sugar, you are depriving yourself of the essential nutrients and predisposes yourself to diseases like heart disease.[3] This happens because sugar-laden food increases one’s energy intake and contributes to higher body weight, a major risk factor to cardiovascular disease.

Quitting Sugar Consciously without Hypnotherapy

Quitting sugar is not easy but it’s doable. Here are some ways on how you can end your sugar addiction:

1. Plan it out Although it takes about 2 months to develop a habit, having a plan on how you can quit sugar increases your chance of succeeding in it. You can start by getting rid of food and drinks from your pantry that are loaded with sugar, creating a meal plan, and writing down food and drinks that you should stop buying.

2. Always read the food label Just because the food looks healthy and safe doesn’t mean that it actually is. There are a lot of food labeled as “healthy” but are actually not. Watch out for those labeled as “low fat” or “fat free” as there’s more likely added sugar to them to make them taste better.

3. Keep a journal It takes more than just willpower to successfully quit sugar. This is where keeping a journal helps. It helps remind you of your biggest “why” of doing it. Writing down your progress helps as it reminds you how close you are to your goal.

4. Have an accountability buddy It’s easier to quit sugar if you have an accountability buddy. This can be anyone within your family or circle of friends who also would want to quit sugar.

Hypnosis to Quit Craving Sugar

Guided hypnosis can help you in breaking your sugar addiction. In Allison's Hypnotherapy Center, we help clients deal with unhealthy cravings by putting them in a completely relaxed state where they are more receptive to suggestions. My favorite method is healing the subconscious void that sugar fills and then re-associating sugar with something less appealing. When we heal the deep seeded issues, the cravings naturally alleviate. Results are typically seen withing the first session or two, although some clients require more hypnosis to overcome sugar.

Sugar addiction isn’t sweet. It can ruin your health in multiple ways. Quitting sugar may not be easy but with persistence and professional help, you can make it happen.

References: [1] de Macedo, Isabel Cristina, Joice Soares de Freitas, and Iraci Lucena da Silva Torres. “The Influence Of Palatable Diets In Reward System Activation: A Mini Review”. Advances in Pharmacological Sciences 2016 (2016): 1-7. Web. 12 June 2016. [2] Schmidt, Elaine. “This Is Your Brain On Sugar: UCLA Study Shows High-Fructose Diet Sabotages Learning, Memory”. UCLA Newsroom. N.p., 2012. Web. 12 June 2016. [3] Johnson, R. K. et al. “Dietary Sugars Intake And Cardiovascular Health: A Scientific Statement From The American Heart Association”. Circulation 120.11 (2009): 1011-1020. Web. 12 June 2016.
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